CORONA VIRUS (COVID-19): summary table for nations (updated status at 24.03.2020)

CORONA VIRUS (COVID-19): summary table for nations (updated status at 24.03.2020)

Every day, the World Health Organization (WHO) publishes a detailed report regarding the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Situation Reports (

The data refer to the previous day after the official medical authorities of each countries confirm the numbers.

In my tables, these numbers are showed on the right side, with an additional column referring to the percentage of deaths calculated respect to the official communicated cases.

As already underlined in the former articles, any calculation of percentages in this period is not accurate and correct because we do not know the “denominator”, basically how many real cases of COVID-19 are present for each countries: the medical swabs are mainly executed in the severe cases.

Thus, percentages must be always accompanied by the published numbers of cases and deaths.

Situation in Europe

Table 1 – Different factors charactering the selected European nations vs latest data published by WHO as of 24.03.2020

Table 1 is an updated situation for the European countries at 24.03.2020. The nations are classified by the number of deaths, from the higher values (on the top) to the lower values (on the bottom).

I decided to add newer countries (Russia and Norway) where the situation is still under control in terms of deaths. In particular, I focused on Norway where there is a high number of identified cases 2371 but “only” 8 deaths. Apart from overweight and obesity which is in line with most of other European countries, all other parameters are for the majority better or more favorable. This could explain so far, the Norwegian situation.

For the other European countries, the situation is not improving compared to last published article (

Germany has seen a dramatic increase of the cases, but the number of deaths is luckily not increasing like in other countries.

I live in Germany and I can confirm that most of the people are respecting the isolation protocols since 10 days, even if there are no official restrictions from the German government.

Discipline is a must in this period, regardless of official rules.

Russian Federation does not show official deaths and has a limited number of cases compared to the population.

One of the reasons is the restriction that Russia has imposed since the beginning of the crisis, much earlier than the official announcement of pandemic disease.

Situation for other countries in the World

Table 2 – Different factors charactering the selected worldwide nations vs latest data published by WHO on 24.03.2020

Table 2 is an updated situation for the other countries in the World.

Like in Table 1, the nations are classified by the number of deaths, from the higher values (on the top) to the lower values (on the bottom). Compared to the former article, I have added new countries to have a wider picture: Philippines, Australia, Morocco and South Africa.

Philippines and Indonesia show a high rate of deaths but, as previously explained, it is necessary to look in parallel to the absolute numbers, which are still low compared to other countries.

China has still the worst situation, even though the growth rate is dramatically low since the adoption of restrictive measures.

In the last days, the United States of America showed a fast increase in official cases to which, luckily, is not corresponding a similar increase of deaths.

African countries (represented here by Morocco and South Africa) are still with limited number of cases, most likely favorite by the low population densities which reduce the contagion´s spread.

Iran´s situation is worsening compared to few days ago: some news report that the situation in the hospitals is very critical with limited number of basic protective devices, like protective masks.

The situation of the different Italian regions will be posted in a separate article.

Other information and analysis on Covid-19 at link: COVID-19 (Corona Virus) | EmigranTrailer.

Stay healthy!

Andrea De Filippo

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