My Passions

My Passions

This page is a summary of my passions.

The mountain and the outdoor sports

I love it and I live it at 360° as soon as I have the possibility.

I choose the sport to practice depending on the season, the location and if I am alone or in company.

I always respect all the safety rules and, most of all, my dear friend: the mountain.

In winter, I often practice cross-country ski in the Alps. It is a good way to prepare the upcoming season of trail-running and, nowadays, it is still an important sport for me.

Between 2012 and 2015, I attended several races of snow-running shoes and simply snow running.

At that time, it was a huge portion of my preparation for the first trail-running events in spring.

In the last years, due to the injuries at my ankles and to the new location in Germany, I dramatically reduced the attendance to these types of competitions. However, I still like simply walking with my snowshoes as soon as I am near Val Ferret or Fontainemore, both in Aosta Valley (ITA).

Hiking and mountain-biking are constantly present, independently in which country I am, the location and the season.

Mountain climbing (“Alpinismo” and “Appeninismo”) and via-ferrata are necessarily depending on the country and the region where I am. But they still are a high percentage of my time in summer seasons.

Trail-running represents eventually my favorite sport to enjoy the time in the mountains.

The running

I like it but the simple gesture of running cannot bring the emotions that come to me when I am in mountains for hours and hours. Therefore, it will always have a second place among my passions. In any case, without doubts, it is a pleasant part of my days and a useful regeneration practice, after stressful days at work.

Compared to the years in Italy, I spend more time for running since I am in Germany. The monthly hours spent on athletics tracks, on asphalt road and on treadmill increased exponentially. For this reason, as part of my weekly trainings, time to time I also register for short run, between 5 and 10 km.

In December 2018, I also attended my first official “standard” marathon:  09/12/2018 – 23^ Maratona di Reggio Emilia Città del Tricolore –

In March 2019 I attended my first official “standard” half-marathon [“Standard”= on asphalt road without too much elevation gain]: 17. Frankfurter Mainova Halbmarathon (

It sounds strange to say for a person who had already three races above 100 km before his first marathon. Nevertheless, that’s the truth.

In the end, honestly, even if I would prefer long walks in the Alps, all this running certainly helped me to find the pace that dated back four/five years ago. Moreover, it is always a good way to meet new friends. Therefore, I will keep going with my usual motto “run & fun”.

The geography/the maps

The origin of this passion is certainly the period when, as a child, we spent hours in the car to travel from south to north to visit my mother’s relatives.

During those hours I moved my eyes continuously through the car window, looking in the direction of the mountains (first the Appennini, then the Alps), and on the heavy street map book, in order to connect what my eyes saw with the name of the mountain or the town written into those pages.

I kept this passion all my life and despite the possibility to use very efficient Apps, I still like to have these maps with me and I prefer to stop in front of a table with geographic maps, rather than using the mobile phone for orientation.

The photography

I am not very good in this practise. However, especially when I am exploring or travelling, I like to capture some images. This passion is strongly connected to my mood.

The data analysis and the research

This is the passion that bring me to spend several hours studying data, statistics and deepen with further research, dealing with several topics.

One of my favourite is the research aiming to reduce atmospheric pollution, which is an important part of my daily life for about 15 years now.

The last year I also dedicated a lot of time to Covid-19 pandemic: COVID-19 (Corona Virus) | EmigranTrailer.

If you have any comments, requests or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me or comment below!

Thank you!

Andrea De Filippo

Latest update: 23.03.2021

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